
SERP Tracker SEO Tool

SEO Tools For Everyday Use

There are many SEO tools available and most do a good job deciphering web analytics data so that you help can make an informed business decision or plan your next SEO tactic. One of my current favorites is Raven Tools one today’s best SEO tools online. Raven Tools continues to surprise with new discoveries found after each and every use. Raven tools is becoming one of the best SEO tools in my tool box. While the SEO tool itself is quite intuitive, as with anything, the more you use it the better results you will get.

Raven Tools SERP Tracker

Right now, the weekly updated SERP tracker is proving itself very informative. Start out by changing the display options in the SERP tracker to include the websites GA visitor traffic, the representative broad search traffic volume from Adwords and the corresponding ranking position for Google, Bing Or Yahoo. The results then appear as:

Raven Tools SERP Tracker

I’ve used this SEO tool with effectively with clients when discussing their vanity search terms. They will often rank very well for their particular “hot button” vanity phrase, but then see little to no visitor traffic from these terms. With this SERP tracker the client can visually see the estimated traffic associated with each term and how many visitors results from that search.

Best SEO Tools For Other Insights

What’s even more insightful is the ability to target a keyword phrase that shows a greater potential for the clients business (based on search volume) and helps to demonstrate that a ranking out of the top spot can still deliver quality traffic to the website. This SEO tool  clearly defines opportunity phrases that may play nicely into the overall marketing strategy. Just including the SERP tracker into your marketing analysis will help guide your marketing tactics.

Why spend money on any SEO tools when so many free SEO tools are available?  The reason is simple, using multiple tools provides a more holistic picture of the overall health of your SEO strategy campaign.  Having an arsenal of SEO programs will add to your toolkit to help you out in the long run!