
Know Your Website Statistics

Website Statistics

If you want to know how to track the success of your site, and need to know how many visitors are coming to your site, you’ll want to know about website statistics. These measurements will let you know what you need to do about improving your website marketing, and will give you indications about what to change in terms of your website design.

One of the first things you’ll want to do when you’re looking for website statistics is to find analysis companies that will be able to help you make sense of the results you receive. One of the best companies to get website statistics from is Google Analytics. The service is free to use, and Google is one of the main search engines that people use to find websites. You’ll get three reviews when you use this service; a webmaster report, a marketer report, and an executive report. This way, you’ll be able to see the stats as a person that is operating the functions of the site, and you’ll get the answers you need for marketing your site to more people. The only drawback to using Google Analytics is that the reports are not offered in real time. While the reports are current, they don’t let you know each time that a visitor logs on, and you don’t know which parts of your site need to be updated on a daily using this service. However, you will get an idea of how popular your site is, and you may have to get website statistics on a weekly basis and don’t want to spend a fortune on reports, this is probably the way to go.

Another free service that you may want to check out for website statistics is You’ll just need to insert a code onto your web page or blog in order to get the stats that you need, and you’ll be able to track all the visitor patterns on the site. You’ll even be able to see visitor paths, as well as the length of time that visitors stay on your site using this website statistics tool.

WebTrends is another source you can get website statistics from. When you visit, you’ll get information on tracking solutions that are used for larger companies like IKEA and US Bank. You may also want to try out the company’s newest produce, Dynamic Search. This way, you can use search engine marketing software to increase your search results based on online marketing campaigns. There is a fee for using this service, which may be a little expensive for you if you are just starting out, but some medium-sized businesses are able to purchase all the features that the company has to offer. You may want to start with a basic ‘package’ and then work your way up once your finances are in order, since many business owners have lots of positive things to say about the company and its products. Good luck!

The Importance of Tracking Your Web Site Traffic

You have a web site. You have web site visitors. You even have web site sales. Everything seems to be working: why should you go through the effort to track and analyze your web site traffic? The importance of tracking your site traffic lies in the fact that proper web traffic analytics will help you answer these key questions:

  • Am I reaching my target market?
  • How are people interacting with my site?
  • Where is my site traffic coming from?

Tracking your site traffic will allow you to see how people proceed through your site, where they spend their time, what they do, and any problems they may be encountering. And that information can help you significantly improve their user experience – and your sales.

By tracking your site traffic, you will be able to see trends as they unfold: trends in who is coming to your site, how they are interacting with it, what they want, how they buy, etc. Always have a clear action path for your users. Make sure you have easily identifiable steps if you want them to contact you (lead generation). Are these steps included in your web tracking? If not, maybe it’s time to add them.

1. Monitor your core engagement metrics. To improve these metrics, have a clear “Calls-to-Action) and add “take-away” items such as free reports, PDF’s, coupons, and other relevant content to your website on a regular basis.

Internet Marketing Formula

I’ve been working on an expression formula using web analytics that represents most of the important variables in search marketing. A holistic approach to SEO demands a more robust explanation of how all the individual aspects of a web site interact with each other to produce great web visibility leading to more traffic.

Initially this formula deals with website attraction and how targeted prospects find a web site during search. The second part of the search marketing formula uses web analytics to uncover key performance elements of a web site and how each plays a role in converting visitors to customers.