Entries by Professor SEO

10 SEO Trends In 2021

10 SEO Trends That Will Define the Digital Marketing Landscape in 2021 With a new year comes new search engine optimization (SEO) trends. The practices that encompass SEO aren’t static. They change and evolve regularly. Old practices will fade as they are replaced with new practices. You must leverage the latest SEO trends in 2021 […]

World Wide Web at 30

World Wide Web at 30 On the 30th anniversary of the World Wide Web’s birthday, one of the web founders Sir Tim Berners-Lee expressed his opinions on the current state of the web and offered insights into the direction the next 30 years the web might move. As half of the worlds’ population is now […]

How To Improve Your Internet Privacy

Protect Your Internet Privacy The fundamentals of data privacy protection are in constant need of re-thinking. There is no silver bullet, where one single thing will guard you and your personal information from all the risks that lurk online. Think about protecting your internet privacy in layers, the more steps required to capture your assets, […]

5 Ways to Protect Your Online Privacy

Beat The Hackers Protect Your Online Privacy Antivirus software was the only protection you needed against hackers a decade ago, but the scale and sophistication of cyber crime today means that this is only the start. Direct attacks on your computer or mobile devices can be prevented, but modern hacking threats involve other methods. For […]

3 Hidden Google Analytics Tools

Top 3 Google Analytics Tools That Go Untouched Have you been analyzing, tracking, and engaging your customers enough on your search engine optimization campaign? Have you been using the right Google Analytics tools to promote and increase your business’ visibility? These are among the top-questions that have been hitting the minds of website owners and […]

8 Essential SEO Tips for Beginners

8 SEO Tips That Still Matter Details matter in proper search engine optimization, as does consistency in doing the same right thing on every page every time.  Search engines like Google or Bing use complex algorithms to rank websites. As an owner of a website, you’ll need at least a basic understanding of search engine […]